
Comprehensive Support and Training


At GESCOMAR, we believe that our relationship with our clients extends far beyond the point of sale. Our suite of services is designed to ensure that you get the most out of our products and that your cleaning operations run smoothly and efficiently.

These services include:

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    Equipment Repair and Maintenance

    We understand that reliable cleaning equipment is the backbone of your operations. Our team of skilled technicians offers professional repair and maintenance services for all types of cleaning machinery, ensuring that your equipment remains in top working condition and minimizing downtime.
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    Product Training and Support

    To help you maximize the effectiveness of our products, GESCOMAR offers comprehensive training sessions led by industry experts. These workshops cover everything from basic cleaning techniques to advanced methods for using our equipment and chemicals safely and effectively. Our goal is to empower your staff with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the best cleaning results.
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    Expert Consultations

    Navigating the vast world of janitorial supplies can be daunting. Our experienced consultants are here to guide you, offering personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and challenges. Whether you're looking to improve your cleaning efficiency, reduce costs, or adopt greener cleaning practices, we can help you find the solutions that best fit your goals.
Contact GESCOMAR today for top-tier janitorial supplies and expert service!